Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In the works

I have been working on a lot of projects all at once. It keeps my mind going but at the same time I kinda feel like i don't get a lot done, although I am. The top picture is my bench, as you can see there is a lot of pieces and drawings on there. I also have my bezel pin (the wood with the masking tape on it held by a spring clamp). I love my bezel pin, it is a great way to work on bezels. It holds the stone still while you are working and forming the bezel wire. It is like an extra hand. The bottom picture is the wall in from of my bench. It has various projects tacked to it. They are waiting for... well lots of things. Some are almost done but I can not make up my mind of how I want to finish it. Or waiting for me to have money to buy some stones. It will all come together. I am hoping to have the wall emptied by the exhibition. Here's hoping.

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